Saturday, March 31, 2012

The Three Arms

Here's another piece I made for a mid-term project in Texture and Lighting. When I finish the arm cast model in ZBrush, I position the arm cast in this phrase: left, front, and right. I then went to document on the top of the screen, and click Z Applink.  Under Z Applink Projection, I click on Drop Now and load each position into it's own Photoshop file. I then click ok on the Z Applink to finsh the process.

The first one I made was just the regular arm cast model that I made in ZBrush. The other three were just seperate projects I made to make them different from the regular arm cast model.

Here're the other three that I made in Photoshop for this project:

The Three Arms Blood

The Three Arms Stiches

The Three Arms Tatoos

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