Thursday, October 4, 2012

Black Widow Spider

This was my very first project that I soley working on ZBrush and not with any other program like Maya like I had done in the past. I was starting to learn and use zspheres to see how well I could model in ZBrush.

The first thing that I model using zspheres is the head and body. Those of you who are or not familar with zspheres, this isn't zspheres that I applied  in what your're seeing. I sort of accidently applied the geometery instead of applying the zspheres for other body parts of the spider. So I would had been done applying zspheres first, then went to apply the geometery all at once.

The next thing I went on doing is to apply the spider's legs. It took me time to have all the legs for the spider since I would have to follow closely to the renference.

The last thing I applied with the zspheres is making the whisker that are coming from the spider's mouth. These took me a while to make in which I spent three hours working on them. 

Now that the zsphereing is out of the way, I was finally able to apply the geometery for most of the parts since I accidently the spider's body and head first without finishing applying zspheres. I use different brushes including the flatten brush to see how I would be able to shape both the head and body on top. I had scuplted the bottom of the spiders head, follow by the back of the spider's body. I use a basic 2 material for the entire body, along with a jelly bean material for the eyes. The final phase for completeing my model is coloring the spider, along with the patterns that come from the back, and bottom of the spider's body.

Here's what I have in terms of the final verison: